Another diet blog? Really?

Yes really. Why? Well why not? I am soon to be 45, have been overweight most of my life and I'm ready to do something about it. I quit smoking a year ago this month and decided I needed to make another huge life change this month. Lose weight.

That brings us to 2150 calories per day.

When I calculated what I needed to eat to lose the weight I want (a really huge goal of 100lbs) I figured how hard can this be?

I knew the exercising would be hard, I knew it was a huge commitment but who thought eating 5 meals per day every 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hrs and totaling 2150 calories could be so hard?

I thought the eating would be the easy part.

Boy was I wrong.

So join me as I attempt my huge undertaking. Some days I'll succeed, some days I know I will fail then have to pick myself up and start again. But with this blog I hope to bring a smile to some faces with my odd sense of humor and I'm sure there will be a tear here and there as well.

If the exercise doesn't kill me (bodyweight training) the 2150 calories certainly will.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Redemption!! And a boo-boo to boot

Ok I thought I went over yesterday and kicked myself for it. Then I realized that I had made a mistake. The stupid calorie chart I was using listed 210 calories for my hardboiled egg. I thought that was kind of high seeing as they say eggs are good for you. That is when they aren't saying eggs are bad for you but currently eggs are on the good side.

So I got another book for calorie counting (I needed one so I didn't have to keep looking online) and it lists a whole hardboiled egg as 78 cal. Well that's different, why is that?

Ah in small print I see for 210 cal you get 1 CUP chopped egg.

So my bad, I am redeemed though so that made me feel good. I didn't go over as a matter of fact I had 69 cal left.

So now to today. I did a dumb dumb thing and while exercising (don't ask how this happened it would take too long to explain) my hand let go of the bar while in movement toward me and.........yup you guessed it. Smacked me in the face and split my lip.

Never have I had a split lip before and it hurts like hell. I iced it and it is somewhat better but still swollen as I'm sure it will be for at least another day.

Now I have to come up with a good story to go with it.

A runaway baby that's not going to happen.
Too bad it isn't winter and I could have saved an old lady from falling down her steps.
Hmmm let's see.
I hit it on the door? Nope, too used.
Training the dog and her head zigged while mine did not zag and she got me. No odds are if that were to happen (and I think it has happened to all dog owners at one time or another) it would be my bottom lip.

Maybe I can just hide for a couple days. My neighbor is a cop so maybe I should not run over and borrow a cup of sugar, I'm sure he would be curious about what happened.

Oh well, fat lips heal, I'm just glad it didn't take out my teeth. Surprised actually cause I hit myself pretty hard but thankful all the same. My angel was watching over me. Too bad she didn't watch over me BEFORE I split my lip ;-)

Ok so it's dinner time and I'm not hungry (this eating all day really is going to kill me). Yesterday and earlier today I was hungry after the allotted 2.5 - 3.5hrs which I guess is what is supposed to happen. Maybe it is the fat lip and the massive headache that is putting a damper on dinner.

I'll be a good dieter though and not skip the meal.

Exercise went good. Didn't do as much as you think you can though. Funny how you are always stronger in your mind isn't it? But it's a good starting point and we all have to have one of those. Today it was arms, Wed will be legs.

Yes I know I skipped a day there but I'm only supposed to work 4 days/wk for now and I thought Mon, Wed, Thurs, Sat would be good. Don't know why but I like it and I guess that is all that counts.

Till next time.

Totals for today

Calories 2120
Fat 111
Carbs 215
Protein 99
8oz. glasses of water 4

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