Another diet blog? Really?

Yes really. Why? Well why not? I am soon to be 45, have been overweight most of my life and I'm ready to do something about it. I quit smoking a year ago this month and decided I needed to make another huge life change this month. Lose weight.

That brings us to 2150 calories per day.

When I calculated what I needed to eat to lose the weight I want (a really huge goal of 100lbs) I figured how hard can this be?

I knew the exercising would be hard, I knew it was a huge commitment but who thought eating 5 meals per day every 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hrs and totaling 2150 calories could be so hard?

I thought the eating would be the easy part.

Boy was I wrong.

So join me as I attempt my huge undertaking. Some days I'll succeed, some days I know I will fail then have to pick myself up and start again. But with this blog I hope to bring a smile to some faces with my odd sense of humor and I'm sure there will be a tear here and there as well.

If the exercise doesn't kill me (bodyweight training) the 2150 calories certainly will.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bad day so soon?

I can't believe it. I went over my calories today. I didn't sleep well last night (what a shocker) and fell asleep about 5am so needless to say I missed breakfast and snack then forgot to have lunch. So I thought I would make up for it and I thought i had more than I did I guess. When I tallied it up I was over by 350 calories.

350 calories isn't that bad is it? Well it frustrated me no end that I miscalculated. What a dumbass!

Ok hypothetical ass-kicking officially over.

Time to get back on the horse tomorrow and walk down the straight and narrow. Now that I am supposidly on track with the eating, tomorrow I begin exercises.

THAT I am NOT looking forward to it but my new motto (words of a very smart man) fits here.

"It's a small, immediate sacrifice for a long and healthy life".

Totals for today

Calories 2081
Fat 111
Carbs 190
Protein 78
8oz. glasses of water 0

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