Another diet blog? Really?

Yes really. Why? Well why not? I am soon to be 45, have been overweight most of my life and I'm ready to do something about it. I quit smoking a year ago this month and decided I needed to make another huge life change this month. Lose weight.

That brings us to 2150 calories per day.

When I calculated what I needed to eat to lose the weight I want (a really huge goal of 100lbs) I figured how hard can this be?

I knew the exercising would be hard, I knew it was a huge commitment but who thought eating 5 meals per day every 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hrs and totaling 2150 calories could be so hard?

I thought the eating would be the easy part.

Boy was I wrong.

So join me as I attempt my huge undertaking. Some days I'll succeed, some days I know I will fail then have to pick myself up and start again. But with this blog I hope to bring a smile to some faces with my odd sense of humor and I'm sure there will be a tear here and there as well.

If the exercise doesn't kill me (bodyweight training) the 2150 calories certainly will.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No pain, no gain......right?

Today was an ok day. Meals went well although I am still working on my goals from yesterday. I did manage 2 more glasses of water today so I have had 6 total today. That is probably the most water I have ever had in a 24hr period. My poor kidneys are probably in shock ;-)

I will keep it up and hopefully get those last 2 glasses in and keep up to the 8 glasses/day.

Exercises went well today also. Today was leg work and it was harsh but I did them, noted them in my exercise journal. Squats, lunges, leg lifts and swimmers. Great exercises I felt immediately. I may have overdone it for the first day of legs but no pain, no gain right? I didn't do millions of them and did take my rest periods so I'm sure I didn't overtrain.

I thought for sure I would have issues climbing the stairs tonight when I go to bed but I actually had issues coming down the stairs after my workout. Poor legs felt like jelly and thankfully someone has invented railings otherwise I would have rolled all the way down.

Now that would have been bad.

Had unused calories today as I always do but today was less than usual so that, I think, is good. I am supposed to keep to the 2150 so maybe I would be better off to go over by a few than to not come near it. I am so mindful of not going over that number that when I get close I stop so I don't go over. But I was told the 2150 is the number that I need to eat at my goal weight which is the noted number less than what I need to keep my current weight.

So new goal would be to stay within 2150 or at max 2200. That gives me 50 calories to go over so I can get at least what I need. I think that makes sense. Instead of stopping at 2100. Hmmm, maybe that needs some more research. Has anyone ever thought of these questions for dieters? Of course not because that would only make sense.
My protein is still not near what it should be and I really have to work on that. Also need to look into protein shakes to have one after my workout. I have read that is the best thing to do go help repair the muscle while also having something high in carbs from the high end of the glycemic index (the one exception to the rule). The food on the high end of the glycemic index breaks down into glucose faster and when you have it after a workout with the protein it helps get the protein to the muscle faster as well as replacing the insulin you used up during your workout so your muscle can heal faster. I think I explained that right.

Ok so goals for tomorrow

* keep up with the water and try to add 2 more glasses
* work on adding more protein
* protein shakes
* look into homemade smoothies and if they are good or bad

Totals for Today

Calories 2073
Fat 104
Carbs 167
Protein 99
8 oz. glasses of water 6

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