Another diet blog? Really?

Yes really. Why? Well why not? I am soon to be 45, have been overweight most of my life and I'm ready to do something about it. I quit smoking a year ago this month and decided I needed to make another huge life change this month. Lose weight.

That brings us to 2150 calories per day.

When I calculated what I needed to eat to lose the weight I want (a really huge goal of 100lbs) I figured how hard can this be?

I knew the exercising would be hard, I knew it was a huge commitment but who thought eating 5 meals per day every 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hrs and totaling 2150 calories could be so hard?

I thought the eating would be the easy part.

Boy was I wrong.

So join me as I attempt my huge undertaking. Some days I'll succeed, some days I know I will fail then have to pick myself up and start again. But with this blog I hope to bring a smile to some faces with my odd sense of humor and I'm sure there will be a tear here and there as well.

If the exercise doesn't kill me (bodyweight training) the 2150 calories certainly will.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Alarms, timers and cabana boys, oh my.

“Life is all about timing... the unreachable becomes reachable, the unavailable become available, the unattainable... attainable. Have the patience, wait it out It's all about timing.” -Stacey Charter

Ok I have decided that either I need to find a timer system that goes off every 2-3hrs or hire a cabana boy (do you have to have a cabana to have a cabana boy?), preferably a hot one. Sorry if that's sexist but come on, if I have to have someone to tell me what to do, the least he can be is a hottie right?

Ok so the hottie cabana boy (hmmmm let's call him Damon) will be in charge of reminding me to eat every couple of hours and as long as he is on the payroll he might as well make said meal/snack right? Wonder where one would find such a thing. Yellow pages under 'hottie cabana boy'? Probably not. Ok so I guess plan 'B' would be to set a timer. It's not as fun but I guess it's just as functional as long as I can remember to set it that is. I can't remember to eat, now I have to remember to set a timer?

Didn't reach my goal again (I know, it's like broken record isn't it?) and the only reason I came as close as I did was due to my being exhausted from another project I did today and eating something I shouldn't have but I missed too many meals today so I was playing catch up.

That's probably a bad idea too. See? Cabana boy Damon would really have his hands full with me and think of the job security. Obviously I'm not able to eat when I'm supposed to let alone eat a mere 2150 calories per day.

Totals for today

Calories 1896
Fat 72
Carbs 234
Proteins 67
8oz. glasses of water 4

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