Another diet blog? Really?

Yes really. Why? Well why not? I am soon to be 45, have been overweight most of my life and I'm ready to do something about it. I quit smoking a year ago this month and decided I needed to make another huge life change this month. Lose weight.

That brings us to 2150 calories per day.

When I calculated what I needed to eat to lose the weight I want (a really huge goal of 100lbs) I figured how hard can this be?

I knew the exercising would be hard, I knew it was a huge commitment but who thought eating 5 meals per day every 2 1/2 - 3 1/2 hrs and totaling 2150 calories could be so hard?

I thought the eating would be the easy part.

Boy was I wrong.

So join me as I attempt my huge undertaking. Some days I'll succeed, some days I know I will fail then have to pick myself up and start again. But with this blog I hope to bring a smile to some faces with my odd sense of humor and I'm sure there will be a tear here and there as well.

If the exercise doesn't kill me (bodyweight training) the 2150 calories certainly will.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sometimes it's not about the scale

You all know what I mean. The scale can lie! Mean and nasty invention that it is. It can say what it wants but it is all about the clothes sometimes.

Point in fact. My brother bought me an oilskin coat for Christmas some years ago. It didn't fit me when I got it but I was gracious and loved it (because I did) and I just couldn't give it up. Now the right thing to do would have been to exchange it but sometimes a girl doesn't want to tell her brother that the coat doesn't fit.

Ok so it's been in my closet forever. Ok forever is an exaggeration, a couple years is probably more like it.

Anyway let’s get back on track. I had to go to the store today and the coat I would normally wear (it’s big and comfy and not a girl coat at all but it’s big and comfy and I like it so back off) is in the car covered, I’m sure, in dog hair. Bummer. Now what am I going to wear, it’s cold outside.

Think, think, think, OW! Ok too much thinking.

I go to the closet, more non-girl coats (can you see a trend here?) but I spy the oilskin coat. Hmmmm I know it doesn’t fit but maybe I can wear it unzipped and at least have my arms be warm. I take it off the hanger, I unzip it and put it on and realize I can zip it. Woo Hoo! It fits! And not just a snug fit it is a comfy fit. Double Woo Hoo!

So see? The scale lies. Life should not be based solely on what that dumb old scale says. Life should be tried once in awhile. Like trying on an old coat. It might fit and if it doesn’t maybe you will find a forgotten $20 bill in the pocket from when it did fit.

There’s an upside to everything.

Friday, February 4, 2011

2011 Already????

Wow who turned the calendar over to another year? Ok I vaugely remember hearing mention of a new year but now it's Feb already? Geez time flies alright but it isn’t always because we’re having fun.

Ok the last time you heard from me was before Thanksgiving and I have no good excuse. I have lots of bad ones but none that are really great. I’m sure we all understand about the holidays and traveling, shopping, baking, eating, schmoozing, etc. See? Told ya. Lots of excuses.

As for my diet it went really well over the holidays and I actually lost weight. I have continued to lose on average 2lbs per week so I am doing well. As for the calorie count, well I have stopped keeping track for the time being. Here’s why.

While keeping my food journal and counting everything I learned a lot about portion size and what is good vs. what isn’t good for us. I decided to try my luck without the journal over the holidays. I found, surprisingly, that I was eating smaller portions than I did before keeping the journal. I think seeing the portion sizes along with how many calories, etc. are in said portion makes a huge difference; ‘Seeing is believing’ and all that.

Anyway, I might go back to the journal but not right now. I have taught myself another lesson. Remember way way back kids when we talked about sugar and how eating sugar only makes you crave more sugar? How when we eat something that is high on the glycemic index then the insulin has to clean out the glucose from our blood thereby causing us to be tired and craving more glucose?

Well a couple weeks ago during “that time of the month” (yes I hate that phrase but we all know what it means so I will use it) I had a craving for some chocolate. Now normally if I crave some chocolate I will have a few M&M’s or a bite size candy bar. They say if you crave something have a little bit and then you will be over your craving and not overdo eating the bad thing. Ok so we all understand about cravings too. You have to feed the monster or he won’t go away. But this time was one of those odd times when a little bit wasn’t doing it and nothing was satisfying the monster. I found myself eating more sugar (and honestly I don’t have a sweet tooth) but I also realized that the more sugar I was eating the more sugar I wanted.

Ok that was a long way to tell you that I proved the theory right. But in the process I came to understand what I had been reading. Sometimes practice makes more sense than theory if you know what I mean.

So I have overcome another hurdle just like I did with portion sizes. What’s left? Oh yeah eating all day long. That is STILL an issue, as is water consumption. But baby steps here people.

As I mentioned before, weight loss isn’t dieting it is a lifestyle change. Just like my quitting smoking was a lifestyle change although that was easier, we have to eat everyday so it isn’t something I can just quit.
So now you know what is up with me. I am still plugging away and making lifestyle changes all along the way. Small ones to be sure but those are the ones that will stick with me the longest.

Makes me wish we knew when I was young what we know now about food and what to eat/what not to eat. I think we could all have been healthier eaters. I am a picky picky eater but I think that was because I was given too many options about if I wanted to eat something. I see my brother and sister-in-law feeding my niece and they give her all kinds of stuff to get her taste buds trained for future use I guess and good for them for doing it. She will learn better habits earlier in life when it’s easier to do.